
listen to the pronunciation of musa
Türkçe - İngilizce
(isim) Prophet Moses

How many animals of each species were there on Moses' ark? - Musa'nın gemisinde her türden kaç tane hayvan vardı?

Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt. - Musa, İsraillileri Mısır'dan çıkardı.

musa peygambere ait
musa'dan kalma
hz. musa
(Din) Prophet Moses
hem İsa'yı hem de Musa'yı memnun etmek
colloq . to try to meet conflicting demands at the same time
İngilizce - İngilizce
A male given name, the Arabic form of Moses
or Mousa died 1332/37? Emperor (mansa) of the West African Mali empire from 1307 (or 1312). Ms left a realm notable for its extent and riches (he built the Great Mosque at Timbuktu), but he is best remembered for the splendour of his pilgrimage to Mecca (1324), which awakened the world to Mali's stupendous wealth and stimulated a desire among North Africans and Europeans to locate its source. Under Ms, Mali became one of the largest empires in the world and Timbuktu grew to be a major commercial city
paradisiaca of Linnæus, but probably not a distinct species), the Abyssinian (M
Ensete), the Philippine Island (M
A genus of perennial, herbaceous, endogenous plants of great size, including the banana (Musa sapientum), the plantain (M
type genus of the Musaceae: bananas
textilis, which yields Manila hemp, and about eighteen other species
of Banana and Plantain
the Arabic form of Moses
Musa al- Sadr
born 1928, Qom, Iran disappeared Aug. 31, 1978, Libya? Iranian-born Lebanese Shite cleric. The son of an ayatollah, he received a traditional Islamic education in Qom and in Al-Najaf, Iraq, and also briefly studied political economy and law at Tehrn University. In 1960 he moved to Lebanon, where he became involved in social work among the country's largely disfranchised Shite community. In 1968-69 he formed the Higher Shite Islamic Council to promote the community's interests, and in 1975 he formed a militia, Amal, to defend the Shite community in the Lebanese Civil War. He and a small entourage disappeared while on an official trip in Libya. The Libyan government disavowed any knowledge of what became of the cleric and his companions; his disappearance has remained a highly controversial mystery
jebel musa
a promontory in northern Morocco opposite the Rock of Gibraltar; one of the Pillars of Hercules
Türkçe - Türkçe
(Osmanlı Dönemi) Vasiyet olunan mal
(Osmanlı Dönemi) Menfaat
Bir vasiyeti yerine getirmekle görevli kimse
(Osmanlı Dönemi) Vasiyyet olunan şey
musa süreyyabey
Sen sanki baharın gülüsün şen çiçeğimsin, Yine bağrımda o ateş seni andım bu gece gibi şarkılarıyla tanınmış bestecimiz
abdal musa
Kuruluş yıllarında Horasan Erenleri de denilen kırk erenle birlikte Anadolu1ya gelmiş, Orhan Bey'in Bursa fethine katılmış ve yeniçeri örgütünün kuruluşuna yardımcı olmuş Bektaşi dervişi
asâ·yı Musâ
(Osmanlı Dönemi) kâfir sihirbazları mağlup eden ve taşa vurulduğunda Cenâb-ı Hakkın izni ile su çıkaran Hz. Musâ'nın (a. s. ) mu'cizeli değneği, asası
Antik çağda, yaratıcı esin perileri