
listen to the pronunciation of involved
İngilizce - Türkçe
{s} ilişkili

Neyin ilişkili olduğunu biliyorum. - I know what's involved.

Genellikle doğrudan ilişkili değildi. - He usually was not involved directly.

{s} karışmış

Tom karışmış olabilir mi? - Could Tom be involved?

O bir skandala karışmıştı. - He was involved in a scandal.

{s} karışık

Bu karışıklığa karışmamı asla istememiştim. - I never wanted you to get involved in this mess.

{f} içer
(with ile) (kişisel ya da cinsel yönden) yakın

İlgili risklerin farkındayım. - I'm aware of the risks involved.

Bu işlemle ilgili önemli ölçüde bürokrasi vardır. - There's a lot of red tape involved in this procedure.

(Mimarlık) burgaç
{s} bulaşmış
{s} kapılmış
{s} dalmış
{s} kapsayan
kolayca anlaşılamayan
x içer/gerektir/karıştır

Tom hiç karışmaması gereken insanlara karıştı. - Tom got involved with people he should never have gotten involved with.

içine almak
involved in

Tom kavgaya karışmak istemiyordu, fakat başka seçeneği yoktu. - Tom didn't want to get involved in the fight, but he had no choice.

Korkarım sizi hayal kırıklığına uğratmak zorunda kalacağım. Konuşmanıza karışmak istemiyorum. - I'm afraid I'll have to disappoint you. I don't want to be involved in your conversation.

involved in
karışmış bulmak
involved in
(Havacılık) alakası olmak
intimately involved
yakından ilgili
{f} gerektirmek, istemek: Expertise involves practice. Ustalık pratik ister
{f} yol açmak
(Mukavele) icap ettirmek, bağlamak; ilgili olmak
{f} in -e karıştırmak, -e bulaştırmak, -e sokmak: Don't involve
{f} bulaştırmak
be involved in
-e karışmak: She was once involved in a scandal. Bir zamanlar bir skandala karışmıştı
be involved in
ile meşgul olmak, ile uğraşmak: He's involved in
be involved in iie alakası olmak
{f} sarmak
get involved

O karıştırılmak istemiyor. - He doesn't want to get involved.

Tom karıştırılmak istemiyor. - Tom doesn't want to get involved.

get involved in
dahil olmak

Tom muhtemelen dahil olmak istemeyecek. - Tom is unlikely to want to get involved.

Sen dahil olmak zorundasın. - You have to get involved.

işin içine girmek

where interpersonal relationships are involved - ...kişilerarası ilişkiler işin içine girdiğinde.

to be involved in
get involved

Karıştırılmak istemiyorum. - I don't want to get involved.

Karıştırılmanı istemiyorum. - I don't want you to get involved.

got involved
(in/with ile) karıştırmak

Ebeveynlik totaliterliği içerir. - Parenthood involves totalitarianism.

Ben hızlı okuma kursu aldım ve yirmi dakika içinde Savaş ve Barışı okudum. Bu Rusya'yı içeriyor. - I took a speed-reading course and read War and Peace in twenty minutes. It involves Russia.

became involved
yer aldı
become involved
dahil olmak
being involved
get involved
Bir olaya karışmak, bir işe bulaşmak, o işte yer almak
get involved
get involved
-e karışmak, -e bulaşmak

(eşanlam) be involved.

get involved in
Bir işe karışmak, bulaşmak
got involved
lively and joyfully involved
ve canlı sevinçle ilgili
Kendi kendine yer
to be involved in
dahil olmak
to be very involved in
çok müdahil olma
to get involved
yer almak
be involved
ilgisi olmak
be involved
be involved
karışmış olmak
be involved with
{k} ile aşk ilişkisi olmak
caution, proprietary information involved
(Askeri) dikkat, patent bilgisiyle ilgili
get involved personally
bizat ilgilenmek

O bir skandala karışmıştı. - He was involved in a scandal.

Tom'un olanlara karışmış olabileceğini düşünüyorum. - I think Tom might be involved in what happened.

{f} karıştırmak

Tom'u karıştırmak istemiyordum. - I didn't want to involve Tom.

Üzgünüm, Tom, seni karıştırmak istemedim. - Sorry, Tom, I didn't want to get you involved.

sokmak duçar etmek
belirli bir dereceye yükseltmek
not to be involved
dahil olmamak
personally involved to
bizzat ilgilenmek
İngilizce - İngilizce
Simple past tense and past participle of involve

The explanation involved potatoes, squirrels, and race cars.

Having an affair with someone
Associated with others (in a crime, process, etc.)

When the family wrapped up my father's will, no one tried to make me feel involved.


He related an involved story about every ancestor since 1895.

{s} included; concerned with, entangled; engaged, engrossed; complicated; incriminated, connected with
highly involved or intricate; "the Byzantine tax structure"; "convoluted legal language"; "convoluted reasoning"; "intricate needlework"; "an intricate labyrinth of refined phraseology"; "the plot was too involved"; "a knotty problem"; "got his way by labyrinthine maneuvering"; "Oh, what a tangled web we weave"- Sir Walter Scott; "tortuous legal procedures"; "tortuous negotiations lasting for months"
If one person is involved with another, especially someone they are not married to, they are having a sexual or romantic relationship. He became romantically involved with a married woman
If a situation or activity is involved, it has a lot of different parts or aspects, often making it difficult to understand, explain, or do. The operations can be quite involved, requiring many procedures. = complicated, complex
The things involved in something such as a job or system are the necessary parts or consequences of it. We believe the time and hard work involved in completing such an assignment are worthwhile
If you are involved in something, you give a lot of time, effort, or attention to it. The family were deeply involved in Jewish culture
associated with others (in a crime etc)
emotionally involved entangled or hindered as if e
enveloped; "a castle involved in mist"; "the difficulties in which the question is involved"
in mire; "the difficulties in which the question is involved"; "brilliant leadership mired in details and confusion"
entangled or hindered as if e g in mire; "the difficulties in which the question is involved"; "brilliant leadership mired in details and confusion"
emotionally involved
enveloped; "a castle involved in mist"; "the difficulties in which the question is involved
connected by participation or association or use; "we accomplished nothing, simply because of the large number of people involved"; "the problems involved"; "the involved muscles"; "I don't want to get involved"; "everyone involved in the bribery case has been identified"
If you are involved in a situation or activity, you are taking part in it or have a strong connection with it. If she were involved in business, she would make a strong chief executive
Same as Involute
in mire; "the difficulties in which the question is involved"; "brilliant leadership mired in details and confusion" connected by participation or association or use; "we accomplished nothing, simply because of the large number of people involved"; "the problems involved"; "the involved muscles"; "I don't want to get involved"; "everyone involved in the bribery case has been identified" enveloped; "a castle involved in mist"; "the difficulties in which the question is involved
involved in
mixed up in, entangled with, included in
involved in criminal activities
criminal, involved in illegal activities
involved with
emotionally involved
To engage thoroughly; to occupy, employ, or absorb
To complicate or make intricate, as in grammatical structure
To connect with something as a natural or logical consequence or effect; to include necessarily; to imply
To raise to any assigned power; to multiply, as a quantity, into itself a given number of times; as, a quantity involved to the third or fourth power
officer-involved shooting
An incident in which a firearm was discharged during a situation attended by a constable, usually where the officer fired upon a threat or attack upon his person or that of another
to draw into entanglement, literally or figuratively
{f} include; cause to be concerned with, entangle; engage, engross; complicate; incriminate, cause to be connected with
Wrapped up in oneself or one's own thoughts
allegedly involved
suspected of taking part, accused of participating
be involved in
be mixed up in, have a part in, have a connection to
deeply involved in
very much mixed up in
get involved
participate, take part in, become interested in, become entangled in
heavily involved in
deeply absorbed in, greatly entangled in, considerably concerned with
require as useful, just, or proper; "It takes nerve to do what she did"; "success usually requires hard work"; "This job asks a lot of patience and skill"; "This position demands a lot of personal sacrifice"; "This dinner calls for a spectacular dessert"; "This intervention does not postulates a patient's consent"
To roll or fold up; to wind round; to entwine
To envelop, infold, entangle, or embarrass; as, to involve a person in debt or misery
If you involve someone else in something, you get them to take part in it. Noel and I do everything together, he involves me in everything
contain as a part; "Dinner at Joe's always involves at least six courses"
engage as a participant; "Don't involve me in your family affairs!"
To envelop completely; to surround; to cover; to hide; to involve in darkness or obscurity
Status: involved
To take in; to gather in; to mingle confusedly; to blend or merge
connect closely and often incriminatingly; "This new ruling affects your business"
make complex or intricate or complicated; "The situation was rather involved"
If you say that someone involves themselves in something, you mean that they take part in it, often in a way that is unnecessary or unwanted. I seem to have involved myself in something I don't understand
have as a necessary feature or consequence; entail; "This decision involves many changes"
engage as a participant; "Don't involve me in your family affairs!
If a situation or activity involves something, that thing is a necessary part or consequence of it. Running a kitchen involves a great deal of discipline and speed Nicky's job as a public relations director involves spending quite a lot of time with other people. = entail
make complex or intricate or complicated; "The situation was rather involved" occupy or engage the interest of; "His story completely involved me during the entire afternoon" wrap; "The tower was involved in mist" contain as a part; "Dinner at Joe's always involves at least six courses" connect closely and often incriminatingly; "This new ruling affects your business" engage as a participant; "Don't involve me in your family affairs!
wrap; "The tower was involved in mist"
If one thing involves you in another thing, especially something unpleasant or inconvenient, the first thing causes you to do or deal with the second. A late booking may involve you in extra cost
If a situation or activity involves someone, they are taking part in it. If there was a cover-up, it involved people at the very highest levels of government
occupy or engage the interest of; "His story completely involved me during the entire afternoon"
seriously involved in
greatly a part of -
strongly involved in
greatly a part of -, greatly intermixed
the parties involved
groups that are involved, groups engaged, people connected to an action, every participant
was involved in
was mixed up in