sing sing

listen to the pronunciation of sing sing
İngilizce - Türkçe

sing sing teriminin İngilizce Türkçe sözlükte anlamı

{f} söylemek

Birlikte şarkı söylemekten hoşlandık. - We enjoyed singing songs together.

Onun piiyanosu eşliğinde şarkı söylemek istiyorum. - I want to sing to his piano accompaniment.

sing sing theory
(Dilbilim) müzik kökenli dil kuramı
şarkı söyleme

Birlikte şarkı söylemekten hoşlandık. - We enjoyed singing songs together.

Linda şarkı söylemek için ayağa kalktı. - Linda stood up to sing.

guide sing
yönlendirme işareti
guide sing
yönlendirme imi
şiir okumak
sing a song
türkü çağırmak
sing another tune
alttan almak
sing small
aşağıdan almak
sing small
yelkenleri suya indirmek
sing somebody's praise
şarkı söyle

Birlikte şarkı söylemekten hoşlandık. - We enjoyed singing songs together.

Onlar şarkı söyleyebilirler. - They're able to sing.

(kuş) ötmek
(şarkı) söylemek
ıslık gibi ses çıkarmak
sing a song
şarkı söylemek
sing a song
şarkı söyle
sing another tune
ağız değiştirmek
sing out
sing small
kuyruğunu kısmak
sight sing
Bir şarkıyı ilk görüşte, hazrlıksız okumak
sing along
birlikte şarkı
sing along to
birlikte şarkılar söyleyin
sing small
kuyruğunu kısmak, haddini bilmek
sing the blues
(deyim) Durumdan şikayet etmek, yakınmak

Computer programmers are singing the blues because business is bad and no one is hiring.

sing the same song
aynı şarkı
sing to
için şarkı
sing to the choir
(deyim) Zaten bilinen bir şeyi söylemek
sing up
Şarkıyı daha yüksek sesle söylemek
sing up for
kadar şarkı
Sealift Readiness Program; sealift reserve program; seaward recovery point; Sing
(Askeri) Deniz Nakliye Hazırlık Programı; deniz nakliye ihtiyat programı; deniz kurtarma noktası; Tek Entegreli Harekat Planı keşif planı
call sing
çağrı işareti
have a sing
şarkı söylemek
propitiatory sing
yaklaşma imi
uğuldamak çınlamak şiir okumak
{f} okumak (şiir)
özellikle birçok kimsenin bi
{f} vınlamak
{f} çağırmak
terennüm etmek
{f} çınlamak (kulak)
{f} (kuş/böcek) ötmek; (kuş) şakımak
{f} (sang, sung)
suçu açığa vurmak
sing a baby to sleep
bebeği ninni söyleyerek uyutmak
sing a child to sleep
(isim)nni ile uyutmak
sing a child to sleep
ninni ile uyutmak
sing a different tune
{k} ağız değiştirmek
sing false
(Muzik) yanlış okumak
sing flat
(Fiili Deyim ) (şarkıyı) yanlış okumak
sing one's own praises
kendini övmek
sing one's own praises
sing out
sing out
detone olmak
sing out
bildiklerini söylemek
sing out
sing smb.'s praise
öve öve bitirememek
sing smb.'s praise
göklere çıkarmak
sing smb.'s praise
sing someone's praises
övgüyle söz etmek
sing someone's praises
çok methetmek
sing the praises of
sing the praises of
öve öve bitirememek
sing the praises of
göklere çıkarmak
sing to the tune of something
bir şeyin tonunda söylemek
sing up a storm
avaz avaz şarkı söylemek
t the sing
(Muzik) işarete dönmek
warning sing
uyarı imi
warning sing
uyarı işareti
warning sing
ikaz işareti
İngilizce - İngilizce
a prison in New York State, famous in the past for controlling prisoners very strictly
An American or Canadian-born Chinese, whose native language is English and who has little or no command of Chinese languages
To express audibly by means of a harmonious vocalization
A gathering for the purpose of singing songs
To produce harmonious sounds with one’s voice

I really want to sing in the school choir. said Vera.

To confess under interrogation
sing along
To sing some music while someone else is singing or playing the same piece of music or while it is being broadcast or performed

She was singing along with the car radio.

sing along
A gathering or event where participants are encouraged to add their voices in song
sing alongs
plural form of sing along
sing from the same hymnbook
To make the same or similar statements, especially to express the same opinions in public as a result of a prior agreement

Still, he mostly sang from the same hymnbook as the Bush Administration, saying fundamental fiscal trends are favorable.

sing like a bird
to divulge secrets with little coercion
sing out
To cry out in pain

My lad,” said Captain Cuttle, “don’t you sing out afore you’re hurt.

sing out
To call out

This was the first time I had taken a weather earing, and I felt not a little proud to sit astride of the weather yard-arm, pass the earing, and sing out, “Haul out to leeward!”.

sing soprano
To perform vocal music in a higher pitch than alto
sing soprano
To suffer castration or an injury to the testicles

A couple of women lawyers . . . drew a sharp, gleaming knife and applied it mentally to a target just south of the groom's waistline. If he doesn't like it, let the bastard go sing soprano to the A.C.L.U. Such was the ladies' thought.

sing the praises of
To commend someone's attributes to others
An event where a group of people sing together, especially with a person or small group leading
An informal gathering involving group singing
Like a piece of sing-song; simple and melodic, song-like
A kind of verse with a simple, song-like rhythm

Hello, Mrs. Peck, Mama called out, in her sing-songy way, like she always did.

The New Penguin Dictionary of Abbreviations: from A to zz, Rosalind Fergusson (© Penguin Books, 2000), page 350 Abbreviation of singular
Abbreviation of singulorum
{v} to form the voice to melody, celebrate, describe in verse
sing the blues
(deyim) Complain
sing up
Sing more loudly

Sing up, boys, I can't hear you!.

Of Thee I Sing
{i} 1931 musical composed by George Gershwin
Sing a song of sixpence
a nursery rhyme (=an old song or poem for young children) which starts: Sing a song of sixpence,/A pocket full of rye;/Four-and-twenty blackbirds/Baked in a pie./When the pie was opened,/The birds began to sing,/Wasn't that a dainty dish/To set before the King?
To cry out; to complain
To utter sounds with musical inflections or melodious modulations of voice, as fancy may dictate, or according to the notes of a song or tune, or of a given part as alto, tenor, etc
To utter sweet melodious sounds, as birds do
produce tones with the voice; "She was singing while she was cooking"; "My brother sings very well"
To make a small, shrill sound; as, the air sings in passing through a crevice
divulge confidential information or secrets; "Be careful--his secretary talks"
{f} utter words melodiously, make musical sounds with the voice (often with musical accompaniment); perform songs; chirp, whistle; buzz, whirr; inform, tattle, squeal (Slang)
to make melodious sounds; "The nightingale was singing"
To utter with musical inflections or modulations of voice
To accompany, or attend on, with singing
in a chorus or concerted piece
To celebrate is song; to give praises to in verse; to relate or rehearse in numbers, verse, or poetry
When you sing, you make musical sounds with your voice, usually producing words that fit a tune. I can't sing I sing about love most of the time They were all singing the same song Go on, then, sing us a song! `You're getting to be a habit with me,' sang Eddie
to make melodious sounds; "The nightingale was singing" produce tones with the voice; "She was singing while she was cooking"; "My brother sings very well" deliver by singing; "Sing Christmas carols
deliver by singing; "Sing Christmas carols"
To influence by singing; to lull by singing; as, to sing a child to sleep
deliver by singing; "Sing Christmas carols
When birds or insects sing, they make pleasant high-pitched sounds. Birds were already singing in the garden. see also singing. Sing. is a written abbreviation for singular. singular
make a whining, ringing, or whistling sound; "the kettle was singing"; "the bullet sang past his ear"
To tell or relate something in numbers or verse; to celebrate something in poetry
sing a different tune
speak differently, change one's stance
sing along
If you sing along with a piece of music, you sing it while you are listening to someone else perform it. We listen to children's shows on the radio, and Janey can sing along with all the tunes You can sing along to your favourite Elvis hits. fifteen hundred people all singing along and dancing. see also singalong
sing along
sing with a choir or an orchestra; "Every year the local orchestra and choir perform the `Messiah' and the audience is invited to sing along
sing dumb
keep quiet, remain silent
sing false
sing out of tune
sing for one's supper
work for one's food, work to financially support oneself
sing like a bird
sing beautifully
sing like a lark
sing nicely, sing with a pleasant voice
sing low
speak seldom, rarely talk; lower the tone
sing on the other side of one's mouth
speak differently, change one's standpoint
sing out
scream, sing loudly
sing out of tune
sing with incorrect notes, sign with incorrect tones
sing small
lower the musical key, singer in a lower key
sing sorrow
complain, express dissatisfaction; despair, lose hope
sing the same song
repeat the utterances of others
sing the same tune
be unanimous, be of one voice
A sing-song is an occasion on which a group of people sing songs together for pleasure. = singalong
A sing-song voice repeatedly rises and falls in pitch. He started to speak in a nasal sing-song voice
The kob
starting to sing
breaking into song, beginning to sing
sing sing